Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Immoral Woman of Proverbs Chapter 7 is none other than The Mother Of Harlots.

The ' Immoral Woman ', or: "Mother Of Harlots."
In Proverbs Chapter 7, we read about: " The Immoral Woman ", " The Seductress ", " The Whore ", and/or " The Crafty Harlot " - of Spiritual Babylon. While The Scripture has described her with many different names and spiritual metaphors, The Mother Of Harlots is ' A False Religious System ', whose: Houses Of Worship and False Teachings - span the entire globe.

The Mother Of Harlots has continually existed - in somewhat different forms - since the beginning of time... but, the fundamental: Symbols, Teachings, and Spiritual Tactics of that ' Immoral Woman [ or, Fallen Church ]' are remarkably consistent overall. Thus, what was written by King Solomon - over 3000 years ago - is equally true of The Seductress today. 

In Proverbs 7:1-5, We Read ' His Admonition ':
" My son [ My Child ], keep my words [ Pay Attention and Listen To Them ], And treasure my commands within you [ Incorporate Them Into Your Heart ].
Keep my commands and live [ Follow My Instructions To Avoid The Second Death ], And my law as the apple of your eye [ Rightly Discern Their True Value ].
Bind them upon your fingers [ Set Your Hands Toward Doing Them ]; Write them upon the tablet of your heart [ And Think Upon Them Continually ].
Say to wisdom, ' You are my sister, ' And call understanding your nearest kin [ Trust In The Truths That I Give To You ], That they may keep you from The Immoral Woman [ The Ungodly Church ], and from The Seductress [ That Spiritual Deceiver ] who flatters with Her Words [ Warping And Twisting You, Through Her Own Comfortable Logic ]. " - Proverbs 7:1-5.

' Purple and Scarlet ' - the colors of Rome.
With an introduction like that, we can be certain that King Solomon considered the knowledge, which follows, to be highly important! It's also quite apparent, that he isn't talking about any kind of literal prostitute; since sexual sins are only momentary distractions within a person's overall spiritual lifetime. Meanwhile, the rest of Proverbs Chapter 7 will clearly elaborate upon who and/or what he is truly talking about....

King Solomon, Continues:
" For at the window of my house I looked through my lattice, And saw among the simple [ The Careless ], I perceived among the youths [ and The Inexperienced ], A man devoid of understanding [ One Who Is Very Easily Fooled ], Passing along the street near her corner [ Traveling Near To Her Temple ]; And he took the path to her house [ He Actively Sought Out Her Fellowship ] In the twilight, in the evening, In the black and dark of night [ In The Time Of Spiritual Darkness ].
And there a woman [ A Church ] met him [ Welcomed Him ], With the attire of a harlot [ Dressed Luxuriously In Purple And Scarlett ], and a crafty heart [ Offering Numerous Spiritual Deceptions ].
She was loud [ Boldly Presumptuous ] and rebellious [ and Disobedient To Yahweh ], Her feet would not stay at home [ She Anxiously Sought Out Her Next Victims ].
At times she was outside [ Sending Off Her Missionaries ], at times in the open square [ Preaching Her Message In The Streets ], And lurking at every corner [ Her Churches Were Everywhere ].
So she caught him [ Snared Him ] and kissed him [ And Bound Him To Herself ]; With an impudent face she said to him: ' I have peace offerings with me [ I Will Not Harm You Like Those Others ]; Today I have paid my vows [ For, I Am Yahweh's True Church ].
So I came out to meet you [ Like All Good Shepherds Should Do ], Diligently to seek your face [ As Yahweh Has Commanded Me To Do ], And I have found you [ See... It Must Be, As I Claim ].
I have spread my bed with tapestry, Colored coverings of Egyptian linen [ Only The Finest, For You, Dear Friend ].
I have perfumed my bed with Myrrh, Aloes, and Cinnamon [ There Is Nothing Else That Is Needed ]
Come [ Join With Me ], let us take our fill of love until morning [ Let Us Worship Together Until Yahshua Returns ]; Let us delight ourselves with love [ We Shall Both Greatly Benefit By It ].
For my husband [ Yahshua, The Messiah ] is not at home [ He Has Gone Far Away From Here ]; He has gone on a long journey [ He Has Gone Up, To Meet With His Father ];
He has taken a bag of money with him [ He Has Left Me Financially Destitute ], And will come home on the appointed day [ But He Will Bless You, When He Returns, For Helping Me ]. '
With her enticing speech she caused him to yield [ Her Story Just Seemed So Logical ], With her flattering lips she seduced him [ It Was Obvious That She Truly Desired Him ].
Immediately he went after her [ For His Own Heart Had Deceived Him ], as an ox goes to the slaughter [ Without Any Care, Or Concerns ], Or as a dog to the rope [ Implicitly Trusting, Its Chosen Master ], Until an arrow struck his liver [ Until It Led To His Own Personal Destruction ].
As a bird hastens to the snare, He did not know that it would take his life [ He Didn't Understand That She Had Continually Lied To Him ]. " - Proverbs 7:6-23.

Pope's Dias w/Inverted Cross.
Dear friends, Spiritual Babylon is a wide spread system of Religious Confusion. She is described, in Revelation Chapter 17, as: " The Mother Of Harlots and of the abominations of the earth " - for a very good reason... because, this ' Crafty Harlot ' isn't just one church, or even just one religion. She has Seven Daughters and Thousands Of Grand-daughters... and there are Other Entirely Different Creations under her direct control!

In Revelation Chapter 17, It Says:
" And I saw The Woman [ The Immoral Woman ], drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahshua [ For She Had Quite Often Killed Them ]. And when I saw her [ The Mother Of Harlots ], I marveled with great amazement. " - Revelation 17:6.
" And he [ The Angel ] said to me, ' The waters which you saw, where The Harlot sits, are Peoples [ Different Human Families ], Multitudes [ Millions Of Individual Followers ], Nations [ Under Her Spiritual Control ], and Tongues [ The Many Different Languages, Which They All Speak ]. " - Revelation 17:15.
" And The Woman [ Spiritual Babylon ] whom you saw [ In Your Own Vision ] is That Great City which reigns over the kings of the Earth [ The Vatican Of Rome ]. " - Revelation 17:18.

Papal Tiara of Pope Benedict XVI.
The Papal Title: " REGVM ATQVE POPVLORVM PATRI " - which means ' To the Father of Nations and Kings ' is located at the back of The Papal Tiara between the two decorative cloth streamers. While none of The Popes have had the temerity to wear it since 1963 - people today, being much better informed - The Official Papal Crown is very real! Just examine the photo to the left of this paragraph, and see it for yourself....

But, I digress from today's specific subject, which is the : " Immoral Woman " of Proverbs Chapter 7.  The Papacy is only ' The Mother Of Harlots '; meanwhile, she has thousands of other such abominations to choose from! Therefore, let's return, to the writings of King Solomon

In Conclusion, King Solomon Writes:

 " Now therefore, listen to me, my children [ All Those Who Seek True Wisdom ]; Pay attention to the words of my mouth [ Do Not Forget Them ]:
' Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways [ Avoid Her Dead Religions and Worthless Teachings ], Do not stray into her paths [ Avoid Her At Each Intersection Of Life ]; For she has cast down many wounded [ Her Victims Are Quite Numerous ], And all who were slain by her were strong men [ They Were People Who Studied The Scriptures ]. Her house is the way to Sheol [ It Leads To The Grave ], Descending to the chambers of death [ For She Strongly Deludes All Of Her Victims ]. " - Proverbs 7:24-27.

The Foolishness of: Israel and Judah!
The False Religion of ' Pagan Christianity ' is foundationally based upon: " Ba'al Worship [ Worship Of The Pagan Sun Gods ] "; and isn't in any way attributable to Yahshua The Messiah... and that's why, it honestly hates: The Scriptures and All Of Those Who Actually Do Read Them.... Enough said? You tell me....

Ahava and Shalom.

May Yahweh's: Love and Peace - be upon you!

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