Shameless ( 2004 ). |
The Popular English Television Show ( entitled ):
" Shameless " - created by
Paul Abbott [ which means: " The Small And Humble One Who Watches Over The Church " ] - we have been provided
An Interesting Prophetical Allegory.
You see, dear brothers and sisters,
Frank Gallagher literally means:
" The Free Man Is: The Helper, Protector, And Benefactor Of Foreigners "; while
Chatsworth Estate is ( actually ):
" His Own Small Parcel Of Land That Is Now So Worthy Of Discussion "!
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not watch
The Following Television Trailer for:
" Shameless " - because, in the much greater scheme of things,
You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....
Shameless: Is A Prophetical Allegory
You see, dear brothers and sisters,
' It's Not Just The English Who Are Now Acting So Shameless '... and, in fact,
It's Now A Worldwide Phenomenon! And, of course,
I'm Not Here To Simply Assign Blame... since, everywhere you look there are now increasing amounts of:
" Arrested Development ".
The Day The Earth Stood Still...? |
After all, as
Frank Gallagher has so aptly pointed out:
" You Have Forgotten All About The Man Who Has Been Living Upstairs "... and, you might as well face it,
' It's Now Finally Time For A True Total Recall '!
So, Where Is It Found Written In Scripture?
" For Behold [ You Can Surely Count Upon This ], The Day Is Coming [ Wait For It... Wait For It... ], burning like an oven; and all of the proud - yes, all who do wickedly - will be stubble; and the day which is coming shall burn them up, says The Lord Of Hosts, that will leave them neither root nor branch.
But, to you who fear My name The Sun Of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His Wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall fed calves. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet upon the day that I do this, says The Lord Of Hosts. " - Malachi 4:1-3.
Now, come on folks,
Isn't That What It Really Says?
Ahava and Shalom.
May Yahweh's Own: Love and Peace - be, continually, upon you!
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