Total Recall - 1990 / 2012. |
The 1990 Blockbuster Hit of:
" Total Recall " - directed by
Paul Verhoeven and portrayed by
Arnold Schwarzenegger - revolved around
The Planet Mars, its actual and current remake [
The New 2012 Version ] takes place
Entirely Upon Earth. Moreover, this newer version includes:
Very Strong Political Overtones and [ now, even, references ]
Two New Nation States Battling For Control Over America. There's now:
New Shanghai [ controlling the western half of it ] and
Euro-America [ controlling the eastern half ]. In fact, it seems to be almost
An Entirely Different Story; but it, actually, isn't.
You see,
The 1990 Version Of Total Recall focused more upon revealing
The True Nature Of Douglas Quaid [ " The Black And White Son Of Yahweh; And The Ruler Over His Army " ] himself; while
The 2012 Version Of Total Recall is focused more upon revealing
The True Nature Of The Conflict [ That Is Even Now Coming ]! After all,
Mars represents:
" Michael - The Archangel "; and both:
Modern Day China and [ indeed ]
The European Union - will, also,
Soon Be Invading.
In fact, at this particular juncture,
The United States Of America is already politically disintegrating... just as,
The Biblical Scriptures have - so long ago - prophesied that it, eventually, would! Don't believe it, then why not watch
The New Movie Trailer for:
" Total Recall 2012 " - by
Len Wiseman [ " The Extremely Knowledgeable One Descended From The Lion Of Judah " ]....
Total Recall: Is A Prophetical Allegory
Like all
Prophetical Allegories, this twice produced movie of:
" Total Recall " - is telling:
A Highly Factual and
[ indeed ] True Story - within the:
Artificially Fabricated and
Fictional Framework of:
Purely Symbolical and
Imaginary Events. That's the true beauty of
Spiritual Babylon... providing valuable information to some
[ whose own eyes are now opened ], while denying it to millions of others
[ who'll suffer, quite-horrifically, for their own continuing ignorance ]. In fact, that's
The Sole Purpose In Cultivating All Of This Confusion!
Propaganda Is A Powerful Weapon in the hands of those who are:
Self Centered,
Narrow Minded, and
Extremely Evil. Of course, they wouldn't call themselves that... they would, just claim to be:
Goal Oriented,
Highly Focused, and
Maybe Diligent To A Fault! After all,
That's How Propaganda Truthfully Works... you see, it's all in how you
[ semantically ]:
" Frame The Argument ". While
The Truth [ itself ] remains:
" Completely Black And White ";
The Confusion Surrounding It may be quite-readily perceived as:
" Merely Shades Of Gray " - when,
Total Chaos has been properly achieved!
Not If There is ' A True Total Recall.... '
Consider, What The Architect Said:
The Function Of The One
[ Your Purpose, O' Jeshurun ]
Is Now To Return To The Source;
[ The Mighty One, His True Scriptures, And The Holy Land ]
Allowing A temporary Dissemination Of The Code You Carry,
[ To Preach The True Messages Of Yahweh ]
And Reinserting The Prime Program.
[ The Original Plan For Salvation ]
And yet, before
Neo [ The Actual Prophesied One From Within The Matrix ] could actually confront The Grand Architect [ Who Controls The Matrix ]; He has to: Honestly Wake Up and Recall His Own Personal Mission. But, ' Revealing The Truth ' - within ' A World Based Upon Lies ' - can't help but be Extremely Tumultuous, for everyone involved! In fact, Daniel The Prophet simply put it this way:
" At That Time [ The Time Of The End ], Michael [ The Archangel Himself ] Shall Stand Up [ While Already Living There Among You ], The Great Prince [ The One Long Ago Appointed By Yahweh ] who stands watch [ Continuously Down Through The Ages ] over the sons of your people [ The True People Of: Israel and Judah ];
And [ You Can Count Upon This ], There Shall Be A Time Of Trouble, Such As Never Was, Since There Was Any Nation; Even Unto That Time.
And [ Following This Factual Occurrence ] At That Time [ In The Earth's Final Days ] Your People Shall Be Delivered [ From Their Unwarranted Service To Lucifer ], Everyone who is found written in the book [ The Mighty One's Own Book Of Life ]. " - Daniel 12:1-3.
Total Recall: Is Retelling The Exact Same Story
Are you getting
The True Picture yet? All of these
Prophetical Allegories [ such as ]:
Forrest Gump,
Harry Potter,
Star Wars,
Lord Of The Rings,
The Golden Compass,
The Fifth Element, etc... are showing you,
The Very Same [ Seemingly Complicated ] Events - that most of us simply call:
" Unfolding Human History "... meanwhile, you thought:,
It Was Only The Allegories [ such as ]:
Pilgrim's Progress,
The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe, and
Narnia - that were [ actually ]
Attempting To Teach Us Something!
The Ignorance of: Israel and Judah.... |
Meanwhile, of course,
You Didn't Understand Any Of Those Either... because, if you had, then you would have had
Far Fewer Problems! Alas, you had better:
Wake Up, and
Come Out Of Babylon - before it's too late....
You see, My Own Personal Father isn't any type of:
" Sun God "...
Lucifer Is That Sun God; and [ in point of fact ]:
You're All Wearing His Garments - including,
You Thoroughly Deadened Kabbalists! Just because
The Strings Aren't As Readily Apparent, doesn't make you any less of
A Puppet....
I Ought To Know... since,
My Own Built In Alethiometer has once again
Achieved Critical Mass; and has factually
Begun Working Again... even, if not perfectly, just yet! Like the character in
Total Recall openly said:
" I Forget... You Don't Have The Most Reliable Of Memories Yet, Do You...? "
- So true, so true... but, indeed,
It's Now Finally Getting There... and,
I Wouldn't Go Out And Bet Upon My Own Enemies [ just yet ]... after all,
The Mighty One Is Still In Control... and,
He Is My Own Father [ whether you, yourself: understand it, or not ]!
{ *** PS: If Israel is actually looking for me [ as, Jessica Biel states in the movie ]... then why not, JUST OPEN YOUR OWN EYES - for once! You just might, truthfully, find me. After all, That's What I Did! Your Problem is that you neither: Truthfully Believe In, Study For Yourselves, nor [ even ] Properly Comprehend - The Actual Scriptures themselves.... }
Ahava and Shalom.
Yahweh's Own:
Love and
Peace - be upon you!
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