It says: " Be Wise Like All Of Those Serpents ". |
For thousands of years now,
Those Forces Of Confusion Have Truthfully Reigned... and, during all of that time,
Only A Few Kernels Of The Truth Have Been Carefully Maintained. Lest, they lose their own focus; while fiddling with the rest of our minds.
After all,
' The Whole Point In Sowing Confusion Is To: Divide All Of Your Own Enemies, Keep Them Thoroughly Off Balance, And ( If Possible ) To Even Drive Some Of Them Insane '!
For instance, when
America was first formed,
The Common & Everyday English Terms of:
" Liberal " and
" Conservative " - were both ( quite truthfully ) applicable within the hearts and minds of
The Average Original American.
In fact, as those early Americans factually understood it:
' There Was No Action That Could Be Considered More Conservative Than Protecting The Freedom Of Every Individual Within Our Own Nation '... and, indeed,
' The American Constitution Was, At That Time, The Most Liberal Document Ever So Cleverly Devised '. But, of course, that was with all of us observing
The United States Constitution as our commonly agreed upon baseline.
Now, quite honestly ask yourselves:
" What Happens When You Alter The Baseline For Each Of Those Two Separate Terms "?
Say, for instance,
The Term Liberal becomes synonymous with
Socialistic And Group Oriented Progression... and
The Term Conservative becomes synonymous with
Protecting A Now Thoroughly Entrenched Status Quo?
By adjusting both of those baselines, you have now created
An Ever Widening Electoral Schism; and set
The Political Pendulum Quite Rapidly In Motion!
{ ***NOTE: By so doing, you have now quietly introduced A Bi-Polar Element into the very fabric of our own political society; which through subtle alteration over a significant period of time; will drive a very solid wedge between every single class of society... and, at least in the short term, allow you to quite cleverly manipulate and control them. }