Left Or Right... is ( like ): " Coke Or Pepsi ". |
One of the greatest historical challenges for
The World's Ruling Elite, has always been their own aspiration to create
The Perfect Form Of Political Government.
After all,
' A Countless Number Of Bloody Revolutions Had Already Demonstrated The True Need For An Ever More Clever Political Paradigm '... because, when the pressure is ultimately on,
It Then Becomes Increasingly Important To Not Lose Your Head!
Meanwhile, in order to be honestly successful, it had to accomplish
All Of The Following:
- Provide True Anonymity To The Ruling Class - just in case, anything ever went wrong.
- Offer The Illusion Of Freedom - to keep the majority of people from revolting.
- Encourage Everyone To Participate - so that, a mandate could be clearly established.
- Polarize The Electorate - to weaken any opposition to their own particular agenda.
- Substantially Pay For Itself - and, get it's own participants to provide the necessary money.
Left Or Right... is: " Liberal Or Conservative ". |
' The Solution Could Only Be Found In: A Representative Social Democracy, A Stratified Two Party System, And A Bi-Polar Political Paradigm '... such as, has been currently adopted - in one variation or another - throughout,
All Of The ( Self-Described ) Democratic West.
So, how does it then work? Well, actually, that answer is quite simple....