Axe Excite - Even Angels Will Fall ( 2011 ). |
With, perhaps, one of the most interesting
Television Commercials to date:
' Axe Excite Has Taken On A Subject That May Seem Deeply Disturbing To Some '... but, in all actuality,
The True Message May Not Even Be What You Think!
Again, I must ( quite honestly ) caution you that
You Must Now Learn To Open Your Own Spiritual Eyes....
You see, dear brothers and sisters, in
Jeremiah Chapter 51 [ Verses 20 - 26 ] you can quite honestly read:
" You are My Own Battle-Axe [ The Archangel Michael ] and My Weapons Of War [ That Soon To Be Purified Nation Of Israel ] - for, with You [ The People Whom I Shall Bless ] I will break The Nation [ Wherein You Currently Now Dwell ] in pieces; and with You I will destroy Kingdoms [ That Are Now In Rebellion Towards Me ].
With You I will break in pieces The Horse And Its Rider [ Those Assyrian Armies Of Babylon - Aka, The King Of The North ]; with You I will break in pieces The Chariot And Its Rider [ Those Caliphate Armies Of Egypt - Aka, The King Of The South ].
With You also I will break in pieces Man And Woman [ The Husband And His Wife ]; with You I will break in pieces Old And Young [ The Generations One From Another ]; with You I will break in pieces The Young Man And The Maiden [ Who Should Not Be Unequally Yoked ].
With You also I will break in pieces The Shepherd And His Flock [ Your Own Houses Of Worship ]; with You I will break in pieces The Farmer And His Own Yoke Of Oxen [ The Business Man And His Chattel ]; and with You I will break in pieces Governors And Rulers [ Appointed Leaders And Kings ].
' And, I will repay Babylon [ The Land Of Confusion ] and All The Inhabitants Of Chaldea [ The People Of Sorcery ] for all the evil that they have done in Zion, in your sight ': says, The Lord.
' Behold, I am against you, O Destroying Mountain, who destroys all the earth ': says, The Lord.
' And I will stretch out My hand against you, roll you down from the rocks, and make you a burnt mountain. They shall not take from you a stone for a corner nor a stone for a foundation, but you shall be desolate forever ': says, The Lord. " - Jeremiah 51:20-26.
But, of course, you probably still don't believe me. So, why not just watch The Following Television Commercial for:
" New Axe Excite: Even Angels Will Fall " - because, in the much larger scheme of things,
You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....