The Book of Everyday Wisdom.... |
There was once a time when
The Book Of Proverbs was highly valued for it's
Fundamental Framework To Obtaining Wisdom; it was taught in many of our own public schools; and continually referenced throughout the literature of the day.
In fact, the entire spiritual concept of:
" Common Sense " - as many, in the west, then plainly understood it - was once firmly rooted, in
That Singular Book From The Bible.
Nor, was it's own popularity as
An Authoritative Means To Instruction ( so honestly ) surprising; when one frankly considers
It's Own Opening Introduction - in, the very first chapter
Thus, in the very first chapter of this book, we faithfully observe
' The First Of Three Impassioned Appeals To The Observance And Application Of Wisdom '... which, in this case, is
A Call To Our Own Logical Sensibilities.
However, since some individuals respond to a different approach,
There Are Still Two Other Hooks to draw the reader into
Their Own Further Study Of This Book!