There are
Five Questions that every ( self-proclaimed )
Christian should, quite truthfully, ask of themselves before it's too late to make some serious
Spiritual Adjustments. And, while they might appear to be of very little consequence at this particular moment,
' Each Of Them Leads Down A Pathway Where Few Of Us Really Want To Go '!
Take, for instance, just these two....
Question 1: Why is it that, of all
The Ten Commandments, the only one that most of us ignore is the one that ( actually ) begins with the word:
" Remember "?
You see, dear brothers and sisters, since:
" God Knows The End From The Very Beginning " - the only reason that He would truthfully tell us to remember, is because at some point we might honestly forget. After all,
The Bible does tell us that:
" God Is Perfect In All Of His Ways "!
Meanwhile, of course,
' The Sabbath Is Actually Saturday ';
and not
Sunday, which is the sign of
Bael [ or, quite literally, The Sun God ]....
Question 2: Why is it that
All Of Those Christian Holidays quite literally revolve around
The Sun... when
God's Own Chosen Holy Days are ( very distinctly ) ordered by
The Phases Of Moon?
St Peters even has: " A Solar Wheel ". |
One of the greatest surprises in life is when
The Average Non-Thinking Christian discovers that they, indeed, share a lot more than they had previously realized with
All Of Those Pagan Religions.
In fact, even when
Latin was still being taught in most of our own schools, the vast majority of them never understood the true hidden meanings of compound words such as:
" Luci-Fer " - which ( quite literally ) translates as any of the following [
Sun - Worship/Faith/Creed/Religion ]. You see, when those scriptures were so diligently being translated into the
Latin, the word
Lucifer replaced the word
Ba-El [ which simply meant: " The Sun God " ].