Da Vinci's - " Flying Machines ". |
While the majority of human beings are usually quite capable of both:
Inductive and
Deductive Reasoning; only a relatively small number of people have been gifted with
The Greater Ability Of Abstract Thinking. In fact, it is the creative ability for
Abstract Thinking that ultimately differentiates
The True Mental Giants - who are responsible for all human progress - from the everyday men who do all of the backbreaking work necessary for completing their own mental vision.
The true irony is that, despite all of their own protestations to the contrary,
' Absolutely Everyone Is Capable Of Abstract Thinking ' - prior to being educated by
Spiritual Babylon! After all, our educational systems were actually created to:
Placate The Masses, Narrow Our Spiritual Focus, Harness Our Abilities For Their Personal Uses, and Pacify Our Minds - so that those others might carefully monitor, utilize, and control the inevitable results.
In fact, why not consider the very definition of
Abstract Thinking, yourselves:
Abstract Thinking n.
1. Thinking characterized by the ability to utilize concepts and to make and understand generalizations, such as of the properties or pattern shared by a variety of specific items or events.
2. The process of setting aside artificially imposed mental restrictions ( or barriers ), so that other avenues of thought may be more readily explored.
3. Opening your eyes to the multiple levels of meaning that are expressed within any logical statement ( or argument ) - in the effort to grasp every single ounce of useful information.