Saturday, August 30, 2014

From Dusk Till Dawn is a film about, finally eliminating: ' All Of That Chaos Created By Satan '!

From Dusk Till Dawn ( 1996 ).
In The Popular 1996 Thriller: " From Dusk Till Dawn " - written by Robert Kurtzman [ that means: " The Bright And Famous One Is My Own Little One " ] and directed by Robert Rodriguez [ which means: " The Bright And Famous One Is The Son Of The All Powerful One " ] - we have been provided An Eye Opening Prophetical Allegory.

You see, Santánico Pandemonium is: " The Daughter Of Chaos And Confusion That Has Been Created By Satan "... and, The Altar That She Dances Upon is ( quite honestly ) Our Own Gateway To Hell!

Dimension - " Adding New Understanding ".
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not watch The Following Movie Trailer for: " From Dusk Till Dawn " - because, who really knows, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

From Dusk Till Dawn [ 1996 ] - by: Robert Rodriguez.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Who is that man in: " The Mask "... and, how did he acquire it from Loki?

The Mask ( 1994 ).
In The Popular 1994 Film: " The Mask " - written by Michael Fallon [ that means: " Who Is Like God? The Royal One Descended From Our Leader! " ] and Mark Verheiden [ that means: " The Lord Of War Is The Faithful One Who Dwells In The Meadow " ]; and directed by Chuck Russell [ which means: " The Free Man Is My Own Little Red One " ] - we have been provided A Prophetical Allegory.

You see, dear brothers and sisters, The Mask Of Loki ( literally ) refers to: " The Cover And Concealment Provided By The Creator Of Chaos "... while, Stanley Ipkiss is ( quite honestly ): " The Stone In The Meadow That Has Been Provided Out Of YAO's Own Love ".

Dark Horse - " The Obscured ( Or Hidden ) One ".
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not simply watch The Following Movie Trailer for: " The Mask " - because, in the much larger scheme of things, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

The Mask [ 1994 ] - by: Chuck Russell.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Heavenly Sword is a magical weapon... and, because of that fact, It Knows Its Own True Wielder!

Heavenly Sword ( 2007 ).
In The Upcoming 2014 Animated Film: " Heavenly Sword " - written by Todd Farmer [ that means: " The Fox Is The Cultivator Of Our Land " ]; and produced by: Brad Foxhoven [ which means: " The One In The Broad Meadow Is The Clever One Provided By God " ] and David Wohl [ which means: " My Own Beloved One Is The Pleasing One " ]; based upon the 2007 game - we have been provided A Prophetical Allegory.

You see, dear brothers and sisters, Nariko means ( both ): " The Hard Working One And The Child Of Thunder "; while ' The Heavenly Sword Is The Double Edged Blade Of The Mighty One '. Meanwhile, as this story will tell you, the lady who has been protecting that sword isn't the one prophesied to be wielding it! 

Blockade - " Created With An Intention To Obstruct ".
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not simply watch The Following Movie/Game Trailer for: " Heavenly Sword " - because, in the much larger scheme of things, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

Heavenly Sword [ 2014 ] - by: Brad Foxhoven.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Who, or what, is the end time nation of Babylon... and, how can we honestly be certain?

The Ancient Empire Of Babylon.
Believe it or not, ' It Isn't Really That Hard To Understand Biblical Prophecy '... since, any true student of classical history - who will honestly follow the facts, rather than just listening to those self described scholars - can readily observe The Continual Migrations Of Humanity.

In fact, the accumulated evidences are staggering when considering: The Actual Ethnic Makeup Of These Nations, The Character Traits Of Their People, The Evolutionary Aspect Of All Our Languages, and Their Subliminally Inherent Cultural Identities.

Take, for instance, The Ancient Empire Of Babylon - which actually consisted of Three Primary Nations:
  1. The Chaldeans - described as being: An Olive Complected, Usually Bearded, and Semitic Race - that was slender in frame and moderate in physical stature.
  2. The Assyrians - described as being: Very Fair Skinned, Blue Eyed, Generally Clean Shaven, and Semitic Race - that was much larger in frame, noted for an exceptionally tall stature, and possessing an almost religious affinity for horses.
  3. The Phoenecians - described as being: A Normally Bearded and Semitic Race Of Seafarers - that possessed exceptional skills in: development of language, scientific application, ship building or design, open water navigation, and international trade. The chief nations among these being: Sidon [ with it's own massive mercantile fleets ] and Tyre [ the historical builders of the very fastest and most maneuverable ships in the world ].

The Europeans know who they are....
In fact, whether you realize it or not, these have always been The Three Structural Pillars Of Babylon... because, while The Chaldeans are the true chess masters at the top, The Assyrians fight in all of their carefully crafted wars, and The Phoenecians are there to protect them from sea!

 Is any of this beginning to sink in? Because, it truthfully isn't rocket science....

Saturday, August 16, 2014

In: " Tucker And Dale Verses Evil " - we find out that, True Ignorance is the greatest evil of them all!

Add caption
In The 2010 Comedy Horror: " Tucker & Dale vs Evil " - written by: Eli Craig [ that means: " The Servant And Messenger Of God Who Stands At The Edge Of The Cliff " ] and Morgan Jurgenson [ which means: " The Dweller In The Ocean Is The Son Who Works Upon Earth " ] - we have been provided A Prophetical Allegory.

You see, dear brothers and sisters, Tucker McGee is: " Your Provider Of Garments And The Son Born Of Fire ".... while, Dale Dobson means: " My Bright And Famous Son Who Dwells In Your Meadow ". And, in fact, it's actually a shame that ' Those College Kids Never Once Studied The Right Subjects '!

Eden Rock - " Adam Has Always Been The Stone ".
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not just watch The Following Movie Trailer for: " Tucker & Dale vs Evil " - because, in the much grander scheme of things, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

Tucker & Dale vs Evil [ 2010 ] - by: Eli Craig.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What exactly is a " Legend "... and, why is there so much amazing consistency to this particular one?

Legend ( 1985 ).
In The Popular 1985 Film: " Legend " - written by William Hjortsberg [ which means: " The One With: The Will, Desire, And Helmet Of Protection - Is The Stag In Your City " ] and directed by Ridley Scott [ that means: " The Tall Reed In The Meadow Is My Own Traveling Warrior " ] - we have been provided A Prophetical Allegory.

After all, dear brothers and sisters, our own hero named Jack [ that means: " The Gift Of God's Own Graciousness " ] is actually ' The One Who Does Those Odd Or Heavy Lifting Jobs; And The Laborer In His Own Vineyard '... while, even a fool can recognize The True Prince Of Darkness!

Universal - " No Matter What Faith You Follow"
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not watch The Following Movie Trailer for: " Legend " - because, unlike a myth, ' A Legend Is, By Its Own Definition, An As Of Yet Unproven But Widely Accepted Bit Of Truth '... and, who really knows, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

Legend [ 1985 ] - released by: Universal Pictures.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Everyone on earth has a Destiny, the real question is: " What's Yours "?

Destiny ( 2014 ).
In The 2014 Video Game of: " Destiny " - developed by Bungie Games [ which means: " Utilizing Your Own Entertainment To Provide You A Spring Board " ] and produced by Activision [ that means: " Bringing Your Own Dreams To Life " ] - we have been provided A Prophetical Allegory.

You see, dear brothers and sisters, ' There Is A Fateful Battle Coming For The Destiny Of Our World '... and, the ones who follow the light are Those New Guardians Of The Galaxy!

Bungie - " Providing You A Springboard ".
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not watch The Following Video Game Trailer for: " Destiny " - because, in the much greater scheme of things, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

Destiny [ 2014 ] - by: Bungie Games.

In: " Ultima IX - Ascension " - produced by Origin Systems - we witness the incarnation of The Tenth And Final Avatar!

Ultima IX - Ascension ( 1999 ).
In The Popular 1999 RPG Game: " Ultima IX - Ascension " - designed by Seth Mendelsohn [ that means: " The Annointed One Has Always Been My Own Son Of Knowledge " ] and directed by Richard Garriot [ which means: " The Strong And Powerful One Is: My Shelter, Or The Shepherd And Guardian " ] - we have been provided Yet Another Prophetical Game.

After all, dear brothers and sisters, Origin Systems refers to: " The Seven World Religions That Equally Began At The Garden "... and, Electronic Arts refers to: " The Medium Upon Which These Visions Are Now Being Painted Or Portrayed ".

Origin - " Getting Back To The Beginning ".
But, of course, you probably don't believe me. So, why not watch The Following Video Game Trailer for: " Ultima IX - Ascension " - because, in the much larger scheme of things, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

Ultima IX Ascension [ 1999 ] - by: Electronic Arts.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What is Abstract Thinking... and, why is it so darn important, when studying All Of Our Visions And Dreams?

Da Vinci's - " Flying Machines ".
While the majority of human beings are usually quite capable of both: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning; only a relatively small number of people have been gifted with The Greater Ability Of Abstract Thinking. In fact, it is the creative ability for Abstract Thinking that ultimately differentiates The True Mental Giants - who are responsible for all human progress - from the everyday men who do all of the backbreaking work necessary for completing their own mental vision.

The true irony is that, despite all of their own protestations to the contrary, ' Absolutely Everyone Is Capable Of Abstract Thinking ' - prior to being educated by Spiritual Babylon! After all, our educational systems were actually created to:  Placate The Masses, Narrow Our Spiritual Focus, Harness Our Abilities For Their Personal Uses, and Pacify Our Minds - so that those others might carefully monitor, utilize, and control the inevitable results.

In fact, why not consider the very definition of Abstract Thinking, yourselves:
Abstract Thinking n.
 1. Thinking characterized by the ability to utilize concepts and to make and understand generalizations, such as of the properties or pattern shared by a variety of specific items or events.
2. The process of setting aside artificially imposed mental restrictions ( or barriers ), so that other avenues of thought may be more readily explored.
3. Opening your eyes to the multiple levels of meaning that are expressed within any logical statement ( or argument ) - in the effort to grasp every single ounce of useful information.  

Monday, August 4, 2014

If you really don't know Jack, then start paying attention and check out ' The Giant Slayer '!

Jack The Giant Slayer ( 2013 ).
In The Popular 2013 Movie: " Jack The Giant Slayer " -  written by Darren Lemke [ that means: " The Great One Is The Brilliant Man Who Possesses The Key " ] and David Dobkin [ that means: " My Own Beloved One Is The Truly Good One " ]; and directed by Bryan Singer [ which means: " The Noble And Strong One From The Hill Is My Own Little Herald " ] - we have been provided A Prophetical Allegory

You see, dear brothers and sisters, ' There Is A Lot More Going On All Around You, Than You Could Ever Begin To Understand While Living Blindedly In Babylon '!

Bad Hat Harry - " The Army Cmdr Is Death ".
But, of course, you probably don't believe it. So, why not watch The Following Movie Trailer for: " Jack The Giant Slayer " - because, in the long run, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

Jack The Giant Slayer [ 2013 ] - by: Warner Brothers.

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